Positivism And Interpretivism

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A research paradigm could be considered as a framework based on people´s philosophies and assumptions about current knowledge. The paradigm guides how research should be accomplished and there are mainly two fundamental paradigms that are used; positivism and interpretivism (Collis and Hussey, 2014). Positivism is associated with deductive theory and quantitative methods whereas interpretivism is associated with findings being derived from qualitative methods. This motivates the reason to choose interpretivism for this research. Interpretivisms goal is to gain rich and detailed insight of a complex social phenomena and therefore, often use small sample. Under an interpretivism paradigm there might not be existing theory and therefore it…show more content…
The inductive approach differs from the deductive approach in many ways. One of the major differences is that the deductive approach is often used when the researcher wants to test and prove/disprove existing theories (Bryman & Bell, 2011). This is not the situation for this thesis as its objective is to generate knowledge in an unknown or complex situation (Collis and Hussey, 2014). An inductive approach has been chosen in the research, which means that the theory is formulated by drawing explanations of the results of the research effort. The observations will form the base from which new knowledge is generated (Bryman & Bell, 2011). Interpretivism is strongly connected to an inductive approach, which motivates the choice of inductive research (Collis and Hussey, 2014). Since the purpose and the research is exploratory research, an inductive approach is the very suitable. With the focus on gaining insights and familiarity with the subject and for more deeper research at a later stage (Collis and Hussey,…show more content…
For that reason the focus group session will begin with the BMC in order to map the farmers existing and then alternative BM’s. The purpose of mapping the existing BM is because it is important to understand the existing BM in order to innovate it further (Johnson et al., 2008). By using Chesbrough´s (2010) suggestion of mapping the BM, the farmers will understand it and the development will therefore become easier. The second part of the focus group session, the participants will discuss alternative BM’s. The what-if-question approach will be used during the second part where the respondents are discussing, experimenting and developing BM’s. The third part of the focus group session will focus on the barriers from the existing BM to the improved

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