Importance Of Quantitative Research

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3.2.1 Quantitative research Quantitative research is a means of utilizing questionnaires, surveys and analysis to collect data that is reviewed and arranged in various ways that enables the data to be distinguished through statistical evaluation (Hittleman & Simon, 1997). Conducting quantitative research assists the researcher to quantify variables in a sample of concern or a question and thus demonstrate the relationship between variables using the corollary statistics such as correlations, relative frequencies and differences between the mean. This is mainly to test the theory. There are 3 considerable differences described between qualitative and quantitative research which are; observing the variances between clarification and comprehension…show more content…
Whiles Parahoo (1997) describes a research design as a plan that illustrates how, when and where data is to be collected and analyzed. Polit et al (2001) explains a research design as responding to the overall research question or examining the research hypothesis by them. This study will focus on the paradigm shift of social media impact in leadership. The research approach is, qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and contextual. According to Mouton (1996), research design provides a proposal, system for implementing the research to increase the validity of the discoveries, which give guidance to the fundamental analytical erudite expectation of research design and data collection. Yin (2003) adds further that informal research design is a method of moving from one place to the other, with the aim of answering the question and a concluding it . There are three principal groupings in research: exploratory, descriptive and causal which all have their advantages and disadvantages, each with favorable use in some circumstance. With research moving from exploratory, to descriptive and then causal, there seems to be a high level of formality and a low level of resilience on how research is undertaken (Webb,…show more content…
The rationale for sampling is that by examining part of the complete we can reveal something about the whole. The study will involve obtaining information about communication strategies in terms of social media tools used by twelve leaders in three organisations in the Western Cape of Cape Town from different industries, to provide the required information on the implementation and objectives. A resolute sample is one where sample members are chosen with a specific aim or objective in mind, the sample is thus intentionally selected to be non-representative (Diamantopoulos & Schelgelmilch,
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