Qualitative And Quantitative Research

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In this assignment it will explain and discuss the differences between quantitative and qualitative research in relation to the research process. It will demonstrate an understanding of the process of data collection and analysis in quantitative and qualitative research. Use informatics in conducting a literature search. Lastly it will conduct an analysis of a research report which uses a quantitative, qualitative or mixed approach (Classroom 2017). Research is a route to learn new knowledge, and is a process of gathering information about a precise topic. Research in Health and Social Care is important as you find out in depth information about the study and helps to identify the needs of individuals. Quantitative research is ingrained in…show more content…
The data is collected through questionnaires, surveys and polls (Classroom 2017). Its focused on collecting numerical figures and generalizing it to groups of individual, to explain a specific phenomenon (Library 2017). Qualitative research is mainly exploratory research, it is used towards acquiring an insight of underlying explanations, opinions and motivations (Snap surveys 2017). It is used to discover trends in thought and opinions and go profounder into difficulties (Susan E. DeFranzo 2011). Qualitative data collection methods are focus groups, individual interviews and observations. The research study that will be analysed and critiqued is a qualitative study of primary care clinicians views of treating childhood obesity (BMC Family Practice 2007). The study intended to discover General Practitioners and practice Nurses views and opinions in relation to their role in treating childhood obesity. The study was conducted in…show more content…
(Catherine Jones 2001). Another advantage is for the research to start it doesn’t need an organised design plan which allows the researcher more freedom and allows the study to unravel naturally (Catherine Jones 2001). The disadvantages of a qualitative study is the researcher conducting the study is more implicated in the process, which gives the investigator a more subjective sight of the research (Classroom 2017. As it is interpreted by the researcher by their own biased views. Another disadvantage would be it is extremely time consuming and can continue for years (University of Lancaster). An advantage of quantitative research is that bigger sample sizes can be used and this often makes the study more generalised. Another advantage is the numerical methods used can make the investigation more reliable (University of Lancaster 2016). A disadvantage is that it doesn’t always show the full intricacy of human experience or insights. (University of Lancaster 2016). The qualitative research used in this study was appropriate in carrying out this project as the purpose of the study was to explore general practitioners and practice nurses views on their role in treating childhood obesity in Rotherham Primary Care Trust. This could only be carried out by conducting face to face interviews as practitioners
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