Quantitative Research Method

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Section III. Choice of Research Method: Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed? The selection of data analysis techniques to deal with research questions or hypotheses and the techniques chosen for the data collection is informed and guided by what we call the research method. Hence, research method is a procedure, and also the analytical techniques to be chosen and the methods to be chosen will also be dictated by the choices of the methodologies made and by the theoretical framework (Sumner and Tribe, 2008). Research methods for knowledge claim and strategies are of three types: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. In a quantitative method, a positivist claims are used as a tool for the researcher to investigate primarily for knowledge.…show more content…
In quantitative research, both experiments and surveys are applied where the former include true and quasi-experiments (Creswell, 2003; Sumner and Tribe,…show more content…
Among it, the most important are that the results of the study can be generalized to the population where the data is obtained through the sampling of individuals to make the results as representative as possible to the target population. It also helps to understand the cost and benefit of interventions and the magnitude and distribution of impacts of some intended programs and provides first-hand information to analyze on how structural factors that affect different inequalities are produced. The extraneous variables can be controlled so that its effect on the erroneous interpretation of validity can be removed. As each method has its own strength, so does their limitations. Some of the usually pronounced weaknesses of the quantitative method are related to difficulties related to sensitive issues like income or sexual practice, and since many groups such as the minorities are difficult to reach, information obtained may be incomplete and/or inaccurate. Indeed, the method is both time-consuming and expensive to carry out. It is also inflexible since after the study begins, the instruments cannot be modified (Bamberger, 2000; Rao and Woolcock, 2003; Sumner and Tribe,

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