Qualitative And Descriptive Statistics

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Statistics refer to the concept of science that deals with an understanding of data. The two common methods of statistics that will be widely used include quantitative and qualitative designs. Such aspects are used to analyses different valuable relating to data. It is used by researchers to try and verify information depending on the type of hypothesis used. It is important to note that the two types of statistics used tend to give different results and the researchers must analyze the type of information that would be used. In that light, the researcher must ensure that the methods of data collection are effective as well as the case study that will be used. This paper will discuss different elements of statistics which include Descriptive…show more content…
Descriptive Statistics are broken down into measures of variability or measure of central tendency. The measure of control tendency includes certain elements such as means, mode, frequency, and medium while the measure of variability includes variance, standard deviation, minimum and maximum variables. This type of statistics is used to give information of a large data using simple information that people could understand might take a much longer time for people to analyze data from a large sample using the same element. In that case, the data reflected by Descriptive Statistics will give the correct representatives of the opinion of a large sample (Kooker, 2012). It is about giving a summary of a large set of data which can be confusing to analyses or might take a much longer time. Mean, and medium is the most useful types of statics that are used in mathematics. These type types of Descriptive Statistics tend to use graphs, charts, and table to help the people have a clear understanding of the type of information or data being analyzed. The people, on the other hand, can reflect on the type of methods that are used to collecting data to ensure that the result obtained is valid. It is indicated that by using a wrong method of data collection, it will give invalid results. Based on that, the entire research method would be…show more content…
Any statistic used will depend on the hypothesis that will be used. One of the roles of the hypothesis is to determine the focus and direction of a research effort. For example, it will provide the questions that need to be solved in that research. The hypotheses will also determine the type of variable that will be used in that research (Winkler, 2009). This shows that hypothesis is a very important element when it comes to conducting a report. Another important fact of statistic is to test the hypothesis to determine the validity of the results. If the hypothesis is wrong, the whole research will not be

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