Strength Training Case Study

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Chapter 2 Review of literature 2.4.1. The effect of arm movements on the lower limb during gait after a stroke Human walking involves coordinated movements of all four limbs and involves active movements of the upper limbs. In normal gait pattern, the normal phase of arm swing during human locomotion plays an active role in body postural control. When the contractile ability increases in arm and leg with greater amplitude, then gait speed will also increase. Individuals with stroke showed greater relationship between shoulder movements with contra lateral hip muscle activity. These issues definitely will affect the movement speed as well as successful stability…show more content…
Residual deficits, however, are often associated with long term impairment of an individual's functional abilities. It is well documented that measurements of muscle strength are indicative of performance and function following stroke. Strength training has not been widely used in stroke rehabilitation because it has been believed to interfere with coordination and timing in motor control by exaggerating the restraint imposed by the spastic muscle and reinforcing movement. Bobath B, (1990). There is no empirical evidence to support such a claim. Recent studies, however, challenge this concept. While different methods of strength training have been employed, all of them have shown positive effects in both elderly and stroke subjects. Strength training post stroke is widely acknowledged as an important part of a rehabilitation program. Muscle strength has been shown to be a significant contributor to physical disability after stroke (Canning CG, 2004) and reduced muscle strength has also been recognized as a limiting factor in stroke rehabilitation. (Ada L, 2006). Reduced muscle strength and the associated decline in functional performance related to normal aging can be ameliorated through participation in strengthening programs and may be a useful strategy in promoting long term independence in both stroke patients…show more content…
Several studies have suggested that lower extremity strength training can improve functional performance in addition to self-perceived health in individuals with stroke. (Dean CM, 2000; Teixeira-Salmela LF, 1999; Duncan P, 1998; Sharp SA, 1997). Only a few have investigated the functional gains achieved by strength training alone. Six weeks of maximal isokinetic strengthening of the knee musculature has been found to significantly improve walking speed in persons with stroke. (Sharp SA, 1997; Engardt M,

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