Pull Out Theory

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library has an impact on students’ academic achievement. Students who reported that they used the library more frequently were performed at high levels than the others. Out School Factor /External Factors/ One of the theories that deal with why students leave the school is a “pull out theory” which refers to factors that makes students to measure the costs and benefits of staying in schools. Employment opportunities, family liabilities and other conditions that attract students to leave schools were “pull out” factor. (Nuri Dilbeto, 2008,p.24). The major out of school “pull out” factors that were discussed in this study for literature review were home environment and the major socio-economic status of parents. Home Environment (Dornbush…show more content…
Initially, orientation was given to assistant data collectors on how to handle questions raised from respondents. In addition, a brief explanation was provided to respondents about the instruction of the tools and confidentiality of the information. Finally, 60 items of a two hour achievement test were distributed for respondents. After collecting the achievement test questionnaire was coded with the corresponding achievement test and distributed to the respondents to fill out. After collection of questionnaire, interview was administered for principals, councilors and selected female students to triangulate the…show more content…
Among these, 151 (48.4%) participants were from grade nine while the rest 161 (51.6%) of them were from grade 10. Table 1 also showed that of the total three hundred twelve respondents, 151(48.4%) participants were aged 14-15 and 127 (40.7%) of participants’ age ranged from 16-18 and 16 (5%) of the respondents were from 19-21 years old. While 18(5.9%) of the participant were not respond. Table 2: Residential Background and Parents’ Educational Background Variables Categories N % Residential background Lived With father and mother 137 43.8 Lived With father only 18 5.8 Lived With mother only 40 12.7 Lived With husband 15 4.8 Lived With relatives or guardian 92 29.4 Others 10 3.5 Total 312 100.00 Father’s educational background Illiterate 29 9.3 Elementary(1-8) 77 24.7 Secondary(9-12) 84 26.9 Certificate and above 122 39.1 Total 312 100.0 Mother’s educational background Illiterate 51
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