Advantages Of IFRS

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Uniformity of accounting principles had been an issue of debates among Accounting Professionals for a couple of years. This quest gave birth to the modification of existing Accounting Standard and establishment of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). An Accounting Standards is a rule or sets of rules, which prescribes the methods by which accounts should be prepared and presented. This regulatory framework of accounting is issued by the international accounting body of the accounting profession. Since organisations are tending towards global marketplace there will be need for harmonising accounting principles and disclosure practices that will give investors the opportunity of analyzing foreign financial statements.…show more content…
The adoption of IFRS does not only give birth to fundamental changes in national GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), it also changes the style of reporting financial statement. This adoption would affect the understanding of investors or stakeholders on business performance and this would help firms to produce financial statements that can be evaluated in globally (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2004). Financial information is a form of language that is to be put to use, so that investment and credit decisions can more readily be taken (Blanco & Osma, 2004). Communicating in a uniform language to stakeholders will enhance confidence in the business and improves financial resources mobilisation capabilities. IFRS provide opportunity that allows companies to compare their performance with their peers’ performance and it allows investors to compare firm performance with competitors globally. According to Choi and Levich (1991) diversity in accounting principles and disclosure would affect the investors’ decision making. Though, before the introduction of IFRS, accounting practices of each country varies (Nobes, 2000), but due to globalisation and internationalisation of market place there is need for uniformity and harmonisation of accounting practice that would cut accross…show more content…
The result of this study is not in agreement with the findings of Monir and Abu (2004) who discovered that with basic literacy, the Preparers involved are sufficiently aware of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. According to them, the adoption of IFRS by the accountant and auditors will go a long way to assist the economy, with their level of awareness we can expect a change in culture or attitude that will result in economy growth. The result of the second research question revealed that the Users’ level of acceptability of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was higher than Preparers’ and Educators' level of acceptability. This is not surprising because the users of accounting information, by nature are very sensitive and they know the importance of IFRS adoption on their decision making. This corroborate the findings of Bhusan and Lessard (1992) who found that most managers see the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards as what will aid the users decision and capital markets decision. Ashbaugh and Pincus (2001) also found out that the difference between domestic and international accounting standard perception of the users can influence their financial

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