Essay On Mobility Problems

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Tips to Manage Mobility Problems in Seniors As you grow older, there are several changes in your body and you can’t do anymore the things you do during your younger years. Your hair becomes grey or thinner. Your skin becomes loose. And you can’t move your knees and feet well. Though getting older increases your risk of sustaining several age-related problems such as mobility problems, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be managed. If you’re living with an older person at home, be it your parents or your other relatives, you can help make their life easier with the following: Reduce fall hazards at home. Senior people are prone to fall accidents since their knees and legs often become weak. They can easily trip, slip or fall but these accidents are preventable. First, identify the fall hazards at your home. Most often, fall accidents happen in…show more content…
Each type of walking aids has their own advantages and disadvantages so a medical professional’s opinion will greatly help. Do regular check-ups on eye and ear health. When a person gets older, they can develop eye and ear problems. Their vision might start to get blurry or they might be unable to hear well. If this happens, it can cause problems to their mobility as well. Having a poor eyesight can lead to fall accidents and having a poor hearing can make them uncooperative hence increasing their risk of harm. So to prevent them from having eye and ear issues as well, make regular trips to the doctor and have them assessed. In case there are developing problems, the doctor might prescribe corrective eye lenses or assistive ear devices. Provide adequate lighting. Aside from having mobility problems, most seniors develop eye problems as well. This can increase their risk of fall accidents. So to help them reduce the risk, it would be better if you install more light bulbs in your home to help them see more
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