My Favorite Experience

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I heard the gentle roar of the waves, breathed in the salty smell of the water, felt the cool breeze on my face and the grainy heat of the sand between my toes. I finally got it! I didn’t have what some people may call a “privileged” childhood. My parents work hard and make sure my siblings and I always have what we need. As children, we did many fun family days. We went to museums and zoos; we took nature hikes, went to the movies and played outside games. They did their best to make sure we had some fun experiences. We lived paycheck to paycheck, though. So, when people would ask me if I had ever went to Florida, Hawaii or to another big, well known spot, my answer was always no. I didn’t feel as though was I missing out, but I did wonder…show more content…
But I also was wondering if I would like it. Would I feel like my dad and think it was just another place to sit? What would the ocean be like and would I enjoy it? Would it be a letdown? On the 12 hour drive, I tried to imagine what I would see and how I would feel. We stopped to visit my mother’s aunt and rest after the long trip. She lives just 15 minutes away from Amelia Island. It was enjoyable to visit with her and have a nice place to sleep, but I was a bundle of nerves. How could I sleep when I was so close to getting an answer? But, ultimately, I’m a teenager. I fell asleep soon after going to bed and had a fairly peaceful night. The next morning, we made the drive to Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island. We decided to eat lunch at a local favorite restaurant near the beach before going down. While eating, I could hear the sounds of the ocean. The amazing roar of the waves crashing and the various birds calling filled me with anticipation. I could smell the salt in the air, feel the cool breeze on my face. After what seemed like hours, it was time. We walked down the path to the beach. The sun was shining on my face, and the sand was gritty between my toes. I stepped on the edge of the gentle tide and felt the cool water on my feet. And I finally got

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