Problem Oriented Policing

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Community and Problem- Oriented Policing American policing has been evolving for a hundred years. Our justice system can be broken into three separate and distinct stages. The first is Early Uniformed Police, the second is Bureaucratic and the third Community and Problem-Oriented Policing. The civil unrest between police officers and minority ethnic groups during the seventies and eighties demanded a change in the American justice system. Reform picked up momentum when the article “Broken Windows” written by police scholars Wilson and Kelling and another article by Goldstein. In, 1994 The Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act was passed and the Community Oriented Policing Services Program (COPS) was created. This program propelled Community and Problem-Oriented Policing to the forefront for a new era in American police departments. COPS was established to fulfill four themes: increase the number of police officers, create police-community interactions and problem solving, police innovation and develop new technologies. At the time…show more content…
Both theories focus is on developing police-community partnerships that address neighborhood issues concerning the public safety from crime and disorder. The broken window theory states social disorders such as panhandling, prostitution, public drinking, physical damage to businesses and homes. This type of Community Policing has two main focuses: maintaining order maintenance in precincts and interference dealing with specific areas. Social disorganization contents that neighborhoods become run down because someone’s family and social networks starting with family and close friends, then moving on their neighbors and organizations present in the community and lastly the public. This style of Community policing rely on building trust among the citizens of the community by foot patrols and beat
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