Herman Goldstein's Four Stages Of Problem-Oriented Policing

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Problem-Oriented Policing is a policing method that is used to analyzing and solving crime problems. “Herman Goldstein originated the concept of problem-oriented policing in a paper published in 1079” (Clarke & Eck) The idea of problem-oriented policing is that policing should be all about changing the conditions that give rise to recurring crime problems and should not just be about responding to incidents. The function of this strategy requires policing to be more proactive in identifying underlying problems, which can lead to reduce crime and disorder at their roots. In order for the police to adopt a problem-solving, the police has to follow four stages. First, scan data to identify patterns in the incidents they regularly handle. Second, subject these patterns or problem into deep analysis causes. Then, find new ways to intervening earlier in the casual chain so that these problems are less likely to occur in the future. Finally, assess the impact of the interventions and if they do not worked, than start the process all over again. Overall,…show more content…
When scanning it is important to recognize the consequences of the problem and how often does it happened. It is important to know that there is an actual problem, and not just to suggest. The second stage is Analysis, which is to identifying and understanding the vents and or circumstances that lead and attend the problem. Colleting own data and exanimating data distributions narrow the scope of the problem in detail. “The Purpose of analysis is to learn as much as possible about the problem to identify what is causing it” (Problem Solving Partnership). The third stage of SARA is Practical Responses, which focuses on the developing and implementing effective responses to the problem. The final stage of SARA is Assessment, which is to determine whether the plan was implemented. Assessment is mostly to conduct ongoing assessments to confirm

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