Assess The Difference Between Problem-Oriented Policing

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Problem Oriented Policing James Reed Instructor Scott Evans Ivy Tech Community College There are several differences between Problem-Oriented Policing and Incident Driven Policing and here we’ll take about a just a couple of those. First, Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) was founded by Herman Goldstein. “Goldstein first coined the term Problem-Oriented Policing in 1979 out of frustration with the dominant model for improving police operations. More attention was being focused on how quickly Officers responded to a call, than on what they did when they got to their destination” (Peak, 1996, p. 62). Goldstein wanted a major change in the direction of efforts to improve policing; he argued that three steps should be required. The first step that should be taken would be that Police Officers must be able to define more clearly and to understand the problems that they are being called to…show more content…
Problem-Oriented Policing has a clearer picture of the problem before arrival. Officers would know already whether or not that specific call, situation, or person has been an issue in the past. Officers would also know underlying conditions, so that they are not going into the situation blind. Officers following POP can then address the underlying conditions, and use alternative methods to the problem solving process. Incident-Driven Policing is “Like Band-Aid application, this symptomatic relief is valuable but limited” (Peak, 1996, p. 63). Incident-Driven Policing handles each situation, or call, but Officers do not resolve the underlying conditions that created the incidents, so the incidents are more likely to reoccur. POP is essentially a planning process. “Under POP, Officers continue to handle calls, but they also do much more.” (Peak, 1996, p.

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