Problem Oriented Policing Research

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Crime prevention is a topic area that has received nearly as much research devotion as crime causation. What can be done to prevent a particular criminal act from occurring? What methods can be undertaken to harden a person, location, or item from becoming a victim of crime? What are the socio-economic drivers of criminal behavior? These questions and a myriad of similar thoughts, questions, and ideas fill the minds of the public and policy makers alike. A more simplistic approach is often needed to address these large scale issues. The question many would ask is, what works and what does not? By utilizing contemporary policing concepts such as Problem Oriented Policing, first proposed by Goldstein (1979), Smart Policing, Intelligence-Led…show more content…
Braga et al. (1999) discussed their theory of adding “place-oriented policing” to the concept of problem-oriented policing. Their review of the literature and research done concerning hotspots and crime clusters (see also Sherman at al., 1989; Weisburd et al., 1994) demonstrates that crime does tend to cluster in specific locations or hot-spots (Sherman & Weisburd, 1995). Additionally, we know that focusing police presence and attention on these narrowly focused areas of crime does in fact have a correlation with reduces reported and observed criminal behavior (Sherman & Weisburd, 1995). Koper (1995) demonstrated that the optimal amount of police presence in an identified hotspot was 13-15 minutes, with a reduction in return value for loitering beyond 15 minutes at a particular…show more content…
The team, comprised of 3 troopers and a sergeant, works closely with patrol as well as other specialized units that focus on major crimes and narcotics in a team policing like model. Because a large majority of the offenders involved in property crimes are also linked to narcotics and some even to major crimes such as home invasion robberies, kidnappings and homicide, close communication and sharing of intelligence is key for the success of these units. What is seriously lacking, however, is the use of large scale intelligence and directed problem oriented policing to prevent property crime

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