Juvenile Justice System: A Case Study

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It is irrefutable that juvenile offenders with mental and behavioral health issues face a greater risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system. Current research confirms that juveniles with disabilities; emotional, mental, or behavioral, are more likely to be arrested and incarcerated than their peer counterparts without disabilities (Holmquist, 2013). While the relationship between police and youth offenders with such disorders presents many challenges, the following highlights two increasingly significant issues. As to Holmquist (2013), “ twenty percent of youth offenders with emotional or behavioral issues reported that they were arrested while in secondary school” (p.3). Too often students are being placed into the juvenile justice system directly from school, making the school-to-prison pipeline the most predominant issue when…show more content…
The essential objective of a SRO is to maintain order and promote school safety as a law enforcement officer by “ addressing crime and disorder, making arrest, serving as hall monitors, serving as truancy officers, and operating security devices located in the school” (Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, p.1, 2015). They are also expected to work as law-related counselors by providing resources and referring students or families to professional services (Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, 2015). As a law-related educator, SRO’s are anticipated to educate students about policing, drug and alcohol awareness, conflict resolution, etc. (Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, 2015). Although the above description explains the obligations of SRO’s, more often they are being used to deal with disruptive youth, most struggling with mental or behavioral health issues, and referring them directly to the juvenile justice
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