Understanding Community Policing

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Community policing is officers working with the community to help develop solutions to problems inside the neighborhoods, and for the community to look at police with trust (United States, 2012). Within community policing the officers work with in assigned communities to know the citizens they are protecting. Community policing is a body of philosophical and practical ways, in which the policing in the communities vary depending on the necessities and reactions of the community’s involved. In Understanding Community Policing as an Innovation: Patterns of Adoption, it states that using a framework, that is an ideal that measures the extent to which community features, structural quality, and “organizational obligation” can show the differences…show more content…
It is way more. Community policing is a “multifunctional social services,” however, it still stems from the professional model of education and training (Patterson, 2015). When President Bill Clinton made it a priority for more cops to be in the public, it happen on September 13, 1994, when the President signed the “Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act (P.L. 103-322), authorizing the Attorney General to “make a six-year…grant program to …hire or redeploy…additional officers for community policing efforts.” (Davis, Muhlhausen, Ingram, & Rector, 2000, p.1) That is when Attorney General Janet Reno, came to establish the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), in October 1994 (Davis, Muhlhausen, Ingram, & Rector, 2000). The roots of community policing can go all the way back to Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Policing, which is used today in policing for officers to hold their standards at (Ortmeier,…show more content…
Police in the community make their presence felt in the community. By this, they give a feeling of safety to the citizens, discourage crimes, offer sustenance and information when necessary (Ray, 2015). With the officers working within the community, such as helping children to stay in school, stopping drug abuse, working with community groups to help with specific problems, and to work towards goals (Ray, 2015). Police presence plays an important role, with it giving a sense of security to the community. However, police attitude and behavior are important to how committed they are to community policing (Ford, Weissbein, & Plamondon, 2003). With this, the police officer must have a greater understanding of decision making, “…to give feedback on community issues…to have values and desires” in this, is how officers are selected for a role in community policing (Ford, Weissbein, & Plamondon, 2003). In working with the community, an officer needs to “analyze, plan, and take the initiative” (Meese & Kurz, 1993). With police officers in traditional roles and with those in community policing still overlapping, a greater role of tasks come from an officer in community policing (Ortmeier, 2006). Officers that are assigned to community policing have a greater fulfillment, thus increase in ethical decisions, enthusiasm
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