Positives And Negatives Of High School Sports

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Today, we hear a lot about the downsides of sports: the injuries, scams, academic stress, and drugs, but it is important to realize that only a small amount of athletes actually get involved with this. Playing sports is a healthy way to grow up and to become a successful person. While athletes may encounter the negative side of sports, those are the experiences they can grow from. Playing sports give athletes a chance to experience different types of pressure and make choices that will determine lifetime habits. In 2015 a study by the CDC showed that only 31.5% of Americans are considered to be a healthy weight. We are faced with a growing population, not just in numbers but in size as well. It is important, now more than ever, to focus on health. Doctors recommend diet and exercise to keep a healthy lifestyle, and sports are one of the easiest and most fun ways to keep active. However, many claim that because of the injuries sports can cause, high school students should refrain from playing sports, especially after being injured once. “After a Concussion” by Sam McDowell asks the question of whether a student…show more content…
Throughout the past years, the number of participants in high school sports has risen while America’s average test scores have fallen. Elizabeth Kolbert, in her article "Have Sports Teams Brought Down American's Schools?” talks about Poland and how they have turned their academics around, now scoring higher than average against other countries, including the U.S. According to the article, Poland schools have also detached themselves from sports, if kids want to play sports they have to organize it outside of school. Kolbert makes the point that it may be America’s interest in sports that is hurting their academics. However, Kolbert never uses any research that directly links sports to negative performance in academics, in fact it turns out the opposite is

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