Persuasive Essay On K-12 Education

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When K-12 Education is implemented, the expectation that everything and everyone --- parents, teachers, and the students --- will be subjected to adjustments and modifications has escalated. One of the issues which ascended upon the execution of K-12 Education that is getting less attention from the public is the alterations done in terms of school uniforms to distinguish the seniors from the juniors. It is due to the necessity to separate the junior and senior high school students as entailed by K-12 Curriculum. School uniforms constitute an important bearing to every member of the institution and even to the institution itself whether it is with relations to bringing a good impression to the public or in much heavier aspect, improving the academic performance of the students.…show more content…
It is undeniable that the uniform the students’ of The Mabini Academy has been wearing since then, have helped the institution to be recognized and to establish an excellent untarnished reputation, producing disciplined, academically prepared citizens to the society. Since The Mabini Academy belongs to the population of those who are affected and benefited of K-12 Education, it has mandated the senior high school students for the second year now to wear the recently designed school uniform. Being new to the perception of everyone, concerns regarding the said design of the uniform have been raised. For it has come to the knowledge of the researchers that these uniforms create noted influence to each fellow of the society especially the students, they aim to measure the satisfaction of the pioneers of K-12 Education to the uniforms, to carefully assess if it would bring the same exceptional rendition to the community and the

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