Birds Nest Case Study

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Project Life Cycle & Events: The main project construction of Birds Nest Stadium was started in December, 2003 and finished in June, 2008 with a break of one and half year in 2004 due to excessive construction cost (Wei, 2011). However, The Birds Nest Stadium, like all other projects, also had the common life cycle of- 1. Conceptualization- which include the primary target and technical description of this project. 2. Planning- where all the schedules, specifications and plans were developed. 3. Execution- the implementation of the project starts in this stage. 4. Termination- when this project was handover to the customers and closed the project. Date Milestones October 29- November 20, 2002 Design Competition March 25, 2003 The design of the Bird Nest was recommended by the evaluation committee April 30, 2003 Field…show more content…
Source: (Wei, 2011). If there was further delay, then it would have cost a huge amount for the construction companies. Additionally the stadium is not only serving as normal stadium, rather it is being used for tourism also which in one side is increasing the income but it is also increasing the cost of its maintenance. Apart from these, the Birds Nest Stadium project included risk such as: i) Construction Risk ii) Operation Risk iii) Political Risk iv) Legal Risk. Source: (Wei,

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