Personal Speech: How Are You With Fear?

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How are you with fear? Most of us, if we think we are being honest, will say that we are okay with fear, and okay with challenging it. There may be some situations - talking to strangers at a party, speaking in public, doing something new - that make us feel uncomfortable, but - still! - we are okay with fear. Hmm. Well I've come to believe that this simply isn't true. I've come to believe that we have fears so terrifying and scary, that we daren't even acknowledge the fear let alone face it. So rather than the most common fears that people admit to - fear of snakes, fear of heights, fear of public speaking even - I believe the top fears are those that dare not be talked about. And these are the fears that Franklin D. Roosevelt refers to, I believe, in his inaugural presidential address:…show more content…
Roosevelt So when I ask you how you are with fear, this is the fear I refer to. So that question again, how are you with fear?... Let's talk about a 'real' most common fear then, the fear of being alone. Joss Whedon can at least recognise his own fear, here: "Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there." -- Joss Whedon As for me, I know that I can do almost anything to avoid this fear: * I can be in the wrong type of romantic relationship, so as not to face my fear of being alone * I can get angry with my friends when they are too busy to spend time with me * I can work, work, work (like I'm doing now!), or distract myself in some other way (Facebook, anyone?) rather than spend time in my own company, and with my own silence Does this sound familiar? So, once more, how are you with this kind of
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