Importance Of Language In Mass Communication

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IB Standard Level English: Language and Literature Written Task 1, Part 2 Persuasive Speech [Task Word Count] [Rationale Word Count] Your Name Your Student Number (ex. 001368-XXX) Rationale The part of the course that this task is connected to is part 2: Language in Mass Communication. In this part of the course we have been studying how rhetorical features are used to persuade people. For this written task I chose to write a speech. My intention in writing this speech is to raise awareness about the way media directs our independent thinking and how the media changes our perspective on certain issues. I am delivering this speech in a press conference at the QNCC in front of a lot of leaders from all over the world. To reflect…show more content…
Almost all the news outlets have sent their journalists to get the latest updates on this important news story, which got the world to stand on it’s feet to see who was behind those attacks. The people who claimed the attack as we all know are ISIS and they have claimed the Beirut attacks which occurred on the same day and under the same circumstances. Their was a mass media coverage on the Paris attack, #PrayForParis hash tag’s climb from a single tweet to 6.7 million within 10 hours. Never the less their was also a lot of media coverage on the Paris attack and most of the official news outlets have mentioned something about the Beirut attacks, here we need to ask our selves as critical thinkers Are stories on important issues featured prominently? In this case the answer to that question is going to be yes. All though the Paris attack got more media attention than the Beirut attack, that could be because many of the areas, especially around Beirut, have been in turmoil for so long, the images rooted in our brains are of violence and conflict. The reality we live in today is that all the news outlets wither they are news channels or news paper their main corporate objective is to make as much money as possible selling the stories that best fit the public interest; which could result in some important stories getting left…show more content…
In the case that a lot of the media coverage is going against all Muslims instead of ISIS we need to ask our selves this critical question What are the unchallenged assumptions? In this case the unchallenged assumption is that all Muslims are radical Muslims like the Muslims in ISIS group. People feel fear, trepidation, hurt feelings and it is inevitable that ISIS is called the Islamic State, which is only logical for the average Joe to connect this terrorizing actions with all Muslims. So this assumption that all Muslims are terrorists and the increasing numbers of (islamophobia: The fear of all muslims) individuals is logical because this assumptions are not being
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