Essay On Political Justice

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An important justice concept is upholding political justice in the community and in the country. Political Justice refers to the use of the judicial process for the purpose of gaining or limiting the political figures’ influence. Political figures should uphold political justice by protecting personal liberties, free speech, and ensuring equality, such as distributing just punishments for unlawful acts and ensuring no laws infringe on anyone’s personal liberties. In Earl Lovelace’s novel, The Wine of Astonishment, an unjust law bans only the Baptist religion from being practiced, thus infringing on the villager’s personal liberties of freedom of religion. Another example of justice comes from Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, in which he demonstrates that it is right to fight for equality, even if it results in being arrested. Along with their elected official, Ivan Morton, who unjustly betrays the villagers and does not act as a good political representative for the people of Bonasse, so this demonstrates how he is not a supporter of justice and equality. The Baptist…show more content…
It comes in many different ways in laws, ethics, morals, religion, equality, natural law, even rationality, and so much more. When your rights are being violated and laws are unjust, it is your right to go against the law. This is why it is up to the political representative of one’s area to uphold the justice for their citizens by protecting personal liberties, free speech, and ensuring equality, such as distributing just punishments for unlawful acts and ensuring no laws infringe on anyone’s personal liberties. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. stated in his Letter from Birmingham Jail it is just to disobey unjust laws no matter the consequence. However, as demonstrated in the novel, The Wine of Astonishment, Ivan Morton failed to justly represent his people when he allowed the unjust law to be passed that banned only the Baptist
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