Personal Narrative Essay

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At our summer Kairos training meeting, our leader told us about how she was stressed out for the majority of the past year. She realized her all the stress that was building up inside of her was due to the fact that she had not cried in a while. It was not until she shared this story that I realized I have not cried in a long time. For me crying was a burden, or something to avoid because I usually was the one being cried on not the other way around. But something happened, actually a lot of things happened. School became insane with teachers setting high expectations as this was the junior year. They put a lot of emphasis on it being the “most important” of them all. Secondly, my family life was hectic. Two of my grandparents were diagnosed with cancer. My parents were and still are on my case about college,…show more content…
She was just about to leave when she walked over to my car and knew something was up. She asked, “Is everything okay?”, and I began to cry again and without hesitation she climbed into the passenger seat and she let me talk for a while. I told her the exact same things that I told my father. Without my best friend, or my father, I think I would still be crying to this day. I am the type of person who rarely asks for help because I usually figure things out on my own. Today we live in a society where being independent and asking for assistance is taboo. But as one big Kairos family, we are called to live in community. We must respect and listen to each other in our times of stress and anxiety. Whether it is your best friend or if it is a stranger, everybody needs somebody to be their helping hand. I invite you to write this down: “Being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless.” -Dave G. Llewellyn I am so thankful for my friend and my father, for being there for me. I hope you all have someone whose shoulder you can cry. But I also hope that you are open and willing to be someone else's shoulder to cry

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