Personal Narrative: A Personal Essay

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You probably took a glance at the title and assumed that this will be one of the worst personal essays known to man. You probably think that all I’m going to do is tell you who I am, my personal interest, and why I desire to go to college. Well I’m sorry to excite you, but I can’t tell you those things; simply because I do not know those things myself. Now let me explain. All my life I did not know what I wanted to be or who I wanted to be. I attempted to start my own path in life and failed dramatically. So instead, I joined extracurricular activities that my family, most importantly my parents, showed interest in. I made it a point to be involved in basketball, chorus, track, band, and tennis. I even joined the marbles team, chess team, and ecology club. I had to stop attending some extracurricular activities because their schedules collided, but I stayed in most. After it all I still had no clue who I was and who I wanted to become. I soon began my soul search for a state-of-the-art Monet. During my soul search I was playing basketball for…show more content…
The same best friend that took me to prom also asked me to go to Dorney Park with him and his family and even though I am terrified of heights and rollercoasters, I agreed. I promised him that I would go on at least one rollercoaster to conquer my fear. It was a basic rollercoaster but it was extremely tall and I was scared for my life. When we got off the rollercoaster they had pictures displayed of the riders’ reactions during the climax of the ride. We waited for our picture to appear and when it finally did you could easily see the enjoyment on our faces. I had an ear-to-ear smile and it was the one time in the ride that my eyes were actually open! I began to feel the rush and next thing you know, we rode every rollercoaster in the park. I finally conquered my fear after 17 years thanks to my curiosity and most importantly, my best

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