Personal Essay: Being The Only Child In My School

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The town further serves as sports center as there are many kinds of sporting activities that take place in the city. Also, many stadiums surround the town. I am the only child in our family and as a little kid. Being the only kid, I used to ask my parents if I could have other siblings to live with me. My dad found much curiosity in me because of such questions as due to that; he told me that he was thankful to God for blessing them with me. On the other hand, my mother always calmed me down when I used to call a doll she had bought me names like brother and other times referring to it as my little sister. It sounds funny to say that the baby could not be differentiated whether it was a boy or a girl. Growing up as the only kid was boring…show more content…
I have consistently demonstrated love to them, and more so, I respect them no matter the distance we are living. All the levels of the school that I have surpassed, I have always worked had to…show more content…
Also, there are many friends in the estate where I live who are not from my college but we share common interests within the field of nursing as some of them work in hospitals and clinics as nurses. Some of my friends come from Africa although only five of them are from my country Uganda and they are also students in a different university. Back in Uganda, I have many cousins who I miss much, but I always call them to know how they are fairing in life and as well they also call me often asking for what is trending here in the USA and our school. My cousins in Uganda always call me telling me of new political trends in the country and the latest developments in the country so as I can be updated on the trending issues of my country. Their updates help me understand what I will do when I go back to Uganda since I have plans of one day going back to my country after finishing my nursing studies here in the United States of America. Above all, some friends are of different ethnicity with me, and they all love my company around them. The best thing about Randolph Massachusetts is that there is little or

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