Hidden Intellectualism Gerald Graff Summary

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Street Smart Intellectualism In the essay “Hidden Intellectualism”, Gerald Graff argues that there is a possibility of some form of hidden intellectualism besides the traditional academic one. He further advocates that this form is concealed in under the mask of usual discussions about fashion, sports, pop-stars and many other aspects. I agree with Gerald Graff’s point of view because there are actually some young people who do not do well academically, yet excel in extra-curricular activities such as sports. These individuals may be said to possess a form of intellectualism that is concealed. Yet can being a "street-smart" become integrated with the academic world? For starters, Graff states that intellectualism is good, and that schools…show more content…
The writer considers "street-smart" are those who learn outside of an academic environment, like in the streets of the their neighborhood. Later on, Graff states, "What doesn't occur to us, though, is that schools and colleges might be at fault for missing the opportunity to tap into such street smarts and channel them into good academic work"(Graff) Basically, he is arguing that educators should combine the two worlds to create a more effective learning experience. This would open possibilities for the student to excel his academic environment as well as his own interests. To support his point, the writer tells us his personal story of transformation from being a "street-smart" to an academic. Graff's story reminds me of my brothers experience as a child. Before my family decided to adopt an orphan named Oleg, he was raised on the streets trying to survive and overcome everyday challenges. At just four years old, Oleg was capable of finding food and a place to sleep and work. His "street-smart" capabilities tend shock many to this day. Yes, he was indeed a smart boy but when he arrived in America, "proper education" was the new necessity of survival. Surprisingly, this form of education was a weakness for him. In addition, in was shocking to see my seven year old brother carve tables and chairs out of wood, but was not able to figure out the answer to 2 + 2. On the other hand, some educational subjects seem to enlighten Oleg because they related to his past or personal interests. He used what he learned from the streets to incorporate it into his education. My brother's childhood as an orphan, leads me to believe that Graff’s theory of street smarts is significantly beneficial, it creates insight on the critical issue of excluding social

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