My Goals Of Education

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“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.” John F. Kennedy. Schools and teachers always try their best to realize all such goals of education. For that, a clear cut plans and strong beliefs are inevitable. All those beliefs of teacher individuals form their foundation of teaching upon which strong building of generations should be built upon, form the philosophy of their teaching. In addition to that, critical thinking, intellect social interactions will develop intrinsic motivation which will create open-minded being. Making the acknowledgement of self will develop love for the betterment of health and fitness. It will also shape the behavior of the people. So the education is very important to…show more content…
Moreover, teachers, as well as society believe that only academically good students are the excellent students and rejected skilled students. Since I studied in the island and Male’, I have experienced several teaching approaches which limits students’ critical thinking and creativity and unequal distribution of facilities which reduced student performance and teacher motivation. I chose the education field to make a difference in maintaining equality, developing critical thinking and creativity of children. While designing a philosophy of myself, I would like to follow a learner centered approach which provides the intellectual, physical, moral and social development of the learner. knowledge is not something that individuals gain from the outside rather it is something that they gain through their own active experiences, their own acting on the world physically or mentally to make sense of it. I would like to include as much as redressal mechanisms for the maximum achievement of the goals of education from the schools. My personal philosophy of education owes the idea of John of Kennedy, he has mentioned in his speech. “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge…show more content…
It is based on both content and teaching strategies. I strongly believe that the educational philosophy should show the most effective and encouraging way towards the propagation of truth. It is significant to have strong beliefs, grounded in sound theory to implement our teaching. It is equally significant to continue open minded to new tendencies and methods that may advantage our students. An educational philosophy change with time and experience, it is not fixed. I will continually reflect, examine, and refine what I believe and why I believe it. I believe that my philosophy and the way that I understand things will change with the knowledge that I acquire. With this change, I am open to anything and my opinions will be supple and as open to sentiments as I can be. I know that if my students believe that they can do anything and dream, they can surmount a new goal every day, then I will be successful as a teacher in my classroom. In conclusion, I believe that every person can walk through the door willing to learn and walk out ready to teach others with innovative, optimistic, and wide-ranging perspectives. A profession which influences the lives of so many people demands nothing less than my best

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