History Of Industrial Engineering

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For the past several decades, the world economy has changed in significant ways in the areas of international trade and industrial organizations. Two of the most important new features of the contemporary economy is the globalization of production and trade. Therefore, today’s technological systems are characterized by an orientation to productivity; this can be achieved through the apparel engineering which explains the Industrial Engineering activities in the production. Jim Lucas described the origin of Industrial Engineering (IE) wherein it can be traced back to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution during the late 18th Century. In its early days, industrial engineering was driven almost entirely by the motive to increase the efficiency…show more content…
There are many branches of engineering available, but to be specific Industrial Engineering is considered to be in the least selected course in engineering despite its application towards the growth of the industry. As per the Chapter 1 of this research paper, this research concentrates on the advantage of taking up the course of Industrial Engineering giving emphasis on its vast job opportunities in the actual field of work. This will be evaluated in two perspectives, one from the students taking up Industrial Engineering and the other side is from the experiences of a Certified IE. It will tackle the knowledge and background of the respondents about IE and its actual application to the field of work along with their awareness and importance of IE in the industry. This also attempts to enlighten people; who are unaware that such course and career opportunities exist, and its purpose and application to the real field of work in diverse…show more content…
According to Robson and Oviatt’s article (n.d.), they mentioned that Industrial Engineering (IE) has become even broader with the initial intention of being a diverse and generalized engineering. They also believe that IE has the closest Due to the diverse need of Industrial Engineering in a different workplace, a study by Farayi Musharavati (2010), claims that the role of an Industrial Engineer has a broad spectrum that its demand evolved and diversified in a pair to the changing need and requirements of Industrial and systems operations. The demand for Industrial Engineers can greatly affect the industrial economy of a country. As this research would like to discover what lies behind the real world of Industrial Engineers and its actual application and importance to the world of work. This study also aims to enlighten the people focusing on the career opportunities offered to an IE and help young people to choose the right and appropriate engineering
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