Persuasive Essay On Education

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We picked this topic because it seemed interesting to understand why there are still children outside of school. We explored and explained why not all children don't go to school and possible solutions. We also went to two different schools, Hillcrest Prepatory and Tenderfoot Primary School. we questioned them and compared their answers. Our aim for this project is to find out if education for all is achievable and to make a difference for Tenderfoot. We know that not all children can not get to school but we don’t know exactly why. At first we taught that they didn’t as there aren’t any or the family can’t afford it but that’s not the only problem. Education would help many people in the slum areas escape poverty but it's not the solution…show more content…
We do this by donating our old books and give them to the school, or we give money by organising a day where we come in casual cloths and we give money to a group called Interact which gives it to charities. Are school has also built a school from scratch in a slum. We also built a library and donate books so that these children can learn from them. Local sammy you need to finish it In Kenya, education is unfortunately not available to everyone due to various reasons explored in the essay. The government has played a part in making education free in parts of the country and providing some schools with laptops to develop their skills and help to learn new ones with the help of the technology, but the different causes of these reasons why children do not go to school seemingly outweigh the solutions to try and help the cause of education for all and make it achievable for the country. A quote from UNESCO shows “One million children are still out of school in Kenya”. Even if there are free primary schools ,the primary education is not sufficient enough to ensure that all children can learn the basics. These figures show that even after primary education being made free and people attending them, the state at which they are being educated is
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