Stephen Kuusisto's Planet Of The Blind

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Introduction What is it like to be blind? Many people in a society like today seem to think blindness as binary. There are people who are either completely sighted or completely blind. The truth is, there is said to be infinite ways to be ‘legally blind’ (Duckett & Pratt, 2001). Not only is there a wide range of sightedness between being fully sighted and being either completely blind, but there are a variety of differences within that range (WHO, 2014). The main focus of this essay will be on the memoir “Planet of the blind” by Stephen Kuusisto (1998). This book is an extraordinary story about Kuusisto personal growth about his denial to acceptance of his legal blindness. He provides his story with a rich description, so it gives the reader a chance to see the world through his eyes "So I am blind in a bittersweetway: I see like a…show more content…
As for the implications it has made me realise human service practitioners play an important part of disability services, for example supporting people with disability and their families (Queensland Government, 2012). One of the other themes I found interesting was the disability, families and children. I believe as a future social worker it is very important for anyone working with people with disability to also work with the person families and children. According to Hastings and Taunt (2001) over the past years there has been an increase of acknowledgment regarding the importance of questioning about the ‘positive’ perceptions and experiences of families of children with developmental disabilities. Going back to the statement made by Goggin and Newell, as mentioned previously with focusing our attention onto the society rather than the individual. As a practitioner we are immediately required to think about power and how it is used, such as the power of the caring professions (Graham,

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