Three C's Of Strategic Marketing

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According to Aramario & Lambin, 1991, “although marketing has basically an strategic conception of the selling activity, we use to distinguish between strategic marketing and operational marketing, depending on long term or short term objectives. Strategic marketing starts in thoughts about current situation of the company and situational analysis and possible evolution of the markets and the environment, with the goal of detecting opportunities which can establish objectives” According to Jain, 1993, “Marketing strategy is mainly indicated by the marketing objectives, customer and competitive perspectives and product/market momentum ( i.e. extrapolation of past performance to the future), form the basis of marketing strategy”..........…show more content…
Where to compete. (Definition of the market). One or various segments… 2. How to compete, that is, it requires a means for competing. 3. When to compete, that is, it requires timing of market entry. ..................... “In its strategic role, marketing focuses on a business’s intentions in a market and the means and timing of realizing those intentions. The strategic role of marketing is quite different from marketing management which deals with developing, implementing and directing programs to achieve designated intentions. To clearly differentiate between marketing management and marketing in its new role, a term -strategic marketing.- has been coined to represent the…show more content…
Keeping in mind all the definitions founded, I specially find interesting the one offered by Hamper and Baugh in 1990, which says: "although the definitions of the term vary (that is to say, its assumed that a certain flexibility exists in the term), this it is a consistent term (it should be based on generating future strategic solid plans), appropriate group of principles through those that a company hopes (the term implies the uncertainty and the risk implicitly) to reach objectives long term related with the clients (the client becomes a strategic factor to keep in mind, although was not this way in the years 1960 or 1970´s) and the objectives of profitability (profitability is also strategically important) , in a competitive environment in particular” (that is to say, it’s assumed that each case should be analyzed under specific circumstances, being able to create general and model rules, which will have generic applications but non in particular). This classification includes a first group denominated “classic” approach, formed by those theoreticians who maintain a clear homogenization on the term, its definition and its characteristics. (Druker 1973, Bradley 1991, Bennet 1995, Camara, 1995, Baker 1984, Walker, Boyd and Larreché 1992, Harper and

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