Participant Observation In Research

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Introduction In recent years, the field of education has seen an increase in the number of qualitative studies that include participant observation as a tool to gather information. Qualitative methods of data collection, such as interviews, observation, etc., and the purpose of this paper is to discuss the monitoring and observation tool for data collection in qualitative research studies. It includes monitoring aspects discussed here are different definitions of participant observation, and some history of its use, and the purposes for which they have used this observation, and additional information about when, and why, and how to monitor. Some examples of three thesis good control and three surveillance bad thesis to make understanding…show more content…
1.2 definition Marshall and Rossman (1989) note that the definition of "systematic description of events,Behaviors, and works of art in a social setting selected for the study "(P.79). Enable Notes Researcher to describe existing conditions by using the five senses, providing "written image"The situation is under study. DeMUNCK and SOBO (1998) described the participant observation as a basic means used by anthropologists do field work. Field work involves "active appearance,Writing detailed field observations, and perhaps most importantly, patience "(DeWalt and Dewalt,2002, p.vii). Participant observation is a process that enable researchers to identify People activities under study in a natural environment by observing and participating inThose activities. SCHENSUL, SCHENSUL, but Acompt (1999) note the definition of participation as "the process of learning through exposure to or involvement in day after day or routine participants in the activities prepared by the researcher."Bernard (1994) and adds to this understanding, indicating that participant observation requires A certain amount of deception and impression management. Most anthropologists, and notes,You need to keep a sense of objectivity through the…show more content…
They provide researchers With ways to verify the non-verbal expression of feelings, and determine who interacts with him,Participants understand how to communicate with each other, and check how much time you spent in the Various activities (SCHMUCK, 1997). Participant observation allows researchers to checkThe definitions of terms used by participants in the interviews, and monitor events that informants may beIt is unable or unwilling to share when doing so would be unwise, impolite, or sensitive, and Monitor the cases described in the interviews of informants, and thus make them aware Distortions or inaccuracies in the description given by those informants (Marshall &Rossman, 1995).Dealt and DeWat (2002) believe that "the goal of the research design using participant Observation means is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena under study This is as objective and accurate as possible given the limited way "(P.92). It isI suggest that those using participant observation as a way to increase the validity of this study, as Observations may help researchers better understand the context and The phenomenon under study. Stronger health with the use of additional strategies used with Observation, interviews and analysis of such a document, or surveys and questionnaires, or other more Quantitative Methods. Participant observation can be used to help answer research and descriptive Questions, for
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