Advantages Of Qualitative Research

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For this study, data collection approaches for a qualitative research (QR) will be most appropriate as it will involve direct contact with my participants on a one to one basis or even in a group setting. However, qualitative data collection methods are time consuming; as a result, data need to be collected from a smaller sample. The advantages of the QR approach are that the information is more reliable and has greater insights into the event for this research work. The major methods for gathering qualitative data are as follows: • Individual interviews, • Focus groups, and • Observations. 3.5.1 Interviews Interview schedules will be used with PVS after the lesson where the feedback of students will be recorded. A set of semi-structured questions will be implemented after cycle (0, 1, 2 & 3) to monitor progress…show more content…
3.5.3 Observation In educational research we have seen amplification in the use of qualitative research which involves participant observation as an effective method to gather information. As per Schensul and Lecompte (1999), they described participant observation as a “process of learning through exposure to or involvement in the day-to-day or routine activities" and whereas per Marshall and Rossman’s (1989) notion, observation is a “systematic description of events, behaviours, and artefacts in the social setting chosen for study". In my research work, observation techniques will be useful as they offer methods to check for non-verbal expression of feelings of my participants while establishing who interrelates with whom. Also, Observation techniques provides an opportunity to analyse how my subjects are conversing with each other while confirming how much time is used on different activities (Schmuck, 1997). Besides, participant observation will allow checking the meaning of terms that each participant uses in the interviews set up. Observation
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