Mixed Method Approach

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INTRODUCTION The nature and prevalence of poverty have been the argument of intense political debate since the concept was first formally defined and measured by the federal government in the early 1960s. Most of this debate has concentrated on the form and adapted scale of government acts to diminish poverty or its effects. Some of the debate, less visible to the public, has focused on describing poverty and exactly tracking its level and trend in the population (Danzinger and Haveman, 2009: 27) The poor people in most countries are likely to be located in rural areas or townships where there is lack of infrastructure. Most of these people are unemployed and their level of education is very low because of the schools they went to, and those…show more content…
Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approach are part of research approaches. The writer used quantitative approach. Quantitative approach is characterised by the assumption that human behaviour can be clarified by what may be named as "social facts" which can be examined by methodologies that use "the empirical logic of the natural sciences" (Homa, 1994 as cited by Amaratunga, Baldry, Sarshar, and Newton, 2001). Knowledge is acquired through tests, observation, and surveys. In the article statistics were generated through completed surveys. Mixed method approach can also be used in this article. According to Das (1983) cited in Amaratunga, Baldry, Sarshar, and Newton (2001), qualitative and quantitative methodologies are not antithetic or different, rather they emphasis on the different measurements of the same phenomenon. Sometimes, these measurements may appear to be confluent but even in these cases, where they seemingly diverge, the fundamental unity may become noticeable on deeper perception. What is the research paradigm informing the understanding of the research problem? Positivism paradigm is informing the understanding of the research problem. Positivism paradigm includes such concepts as quantifications, hypotheses, and objective measures. For the positivist researcher, reality is objective it occur apart from the researchers and can be perceived by all. In other words, it is out…show more content…
To get best results, the researcher must identity the target population, the location and the questions. Observations; Observing and measuring the world around you, with observations of people and other measurable events. If you choose to observe people, you will have some additional concerns including the way in which you will observe them and gain their consensus. If you are observing people, you can choose between two common ways to observe; participant observation and unobtrusive observation. Participant observation is a common method within ethnographic research in sociology and anthropology. In this kind of observation, a researcher may relate with participants and become part of their community. In unobtrusive observation, you do not interact with participants but rather simply record their behaviour. Although in most situations people must volunteer to be participants in research, in some cases it is acceptable to not let participants know you are observing them (Driscoll,

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