Kemmis And Mctaggart Action Research Model

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METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design Figure 1: A flow diagram of Kemmis and McTaggart action research model (2000). The research design used for this study is based on an action research design. Action research is defined as a research strategy that is put into practice by teachers to investigate a problem or area of interest specific to their teaching practice environment (Coats, 2005). Action research aims to achieve social change by producing data that support strategic action for change (Mountz et al, 2008). The action research process that is used by the researcher as seen in figure 1 above is adopted from Kemmis and McTaggart’s (2000) action research design planner. The action research model above is in a form of a spiral of self-reflective…show more content…
As summarise by figure 2 above, the first lesson began, which was designed from Bloom’s taxonomy; by teacher asking students to recall their prior knowledge such as recalling the term and basic concepts of socialization. After that, teacher relates students’ prior knowledge and understanding with the introduction of two theoretical concepts, which are C. H. Cooley – ‘The looking glass self’ theory and G. H. Mead – Role Taking theory. The researcher then briefly explained what these theories are; and then asked the students to read the given notes and applied their understanding by completing the given activities. The activities required the students to analyse interpret and use the given images to identify and classify which pictures represent which stages of the theory, and finally to synthesise or summarize what they have learnt and understand about the theory using their own words. The lesson ended by students sharing what they have written via a round table discussion, and teacher gave feedback on students’…show more content…
The second lesson was conducted similar to the first lesson that applied bloom’s taxonomy cognitive domain. Teacher began by asking students to recall what they have learnt yesterday, and then asked students to relate theories they have learnt yesterday with another theory of socialization – which is Ann Oakely’s gender socialization theory. After that, students were to read and analyse the given notes and were asked to complete activities that require them to examine and use relevant resources from the notes by providing evidences to support each stages of the theory. The final activity required the learners to summarize the theoretical concepts using their own words, and later on to be shared on a round table

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