Parent Interview Case Study

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Parent Interview Demographics King James, is a two-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with Autism, speech and language delay within the last six months. He resigns with his mother, father and an older sister in an apartment setting. King James enjoy eating fruit bananas, grapes, apple, he also loves chicken. King James, will watch special agent oso repeatedly he is very calm at this time. King James, mother expresses that he may need additional support in speech and language due to his lack of communication skills. One of the IFSP goals is engaging King James into expressing his wants and needs non - verbal or verbal communication. King James mother informed me that he doesn’t use any words to communicate he vocally screams until the parents figures out what he is trying…show more content…
Ms. James, stated “I woke up to my son cover in Vaseline and baby powder all over him and the floor. I didn’t know where to start with the mess or give him a bath. I first cleaned the mess up and then put him in the tub. Once he got out of the tub I began to put lotion on him and he grabs the lotion bottle. I said oh no we have had enough moisturizing for today King James. What advice would you give a new teacher in the field of special education/ who might have children with disabilities in an inclusive environment? Parent stated, “As a mother I just want to know that my child is safe in your care and treated the correct way”. I enjoyed interviewing Ms. James I loved how she shared her journey with me about her son King James. Ms. James transparent about the life changing events that has happen to her within the last six months. However, the mother expressed to me that she didn’t know how to advocate for her child, but she wanted to become more aware of what autism and to be knowledgeable about her child’s needs in the educational system. I thought this was great, I applaud her willingness and determination as an young mother of two

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