How Does Poverty Affect Family Poverty

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To find out how family poverty impacts on academic performance and child’s well-being of primary school pupils, the teachers were asked to comment on level of attendance of children from low socio-economic backgrounds. The findings indicated that 6 teachers representing (50%) of the total respondents agree with the fact that children from low socio-economic backgrounds do not attend ECD classes regularly, 3 representing (25%) were neutral about this issue and 3(25%) disagree. This therefore indicates that most of the children were from poor families which represents the area of study which is an area of low income earners. Based on the interviews conducted it was also discovered that most parents were financially handicapped since many were working in the informal sector. Parents’ economic conditions were further worsened by…show more content…
Damaged families, single-parent families, and child-headed families may have a traumatic effect on the children. This study established that children from impoverished backgrounds may have emotional problems which may deter good academic performance (Chindanya, 2012).The study therefore holds the view that in Ruwa Goromonzi district academic performance will suffer as a result of the pupil’s lack of sufficient emotional and social support from parents as a result of economic pressures from home Teachers were further asked to indicate if poverty affects children’s well-being. The results obtained are presented in the table 18 above. 9 respondents representing 75% strongly agree that poverty impacts negatively on the well-being of primary school children while 3 respondents representing 25% agree also to the fact poverty has a bearing on children’s well-being. This indicates that poverty affects the core four pies that make up children’s wellness and these are to do with a child’s intellect, social, physical and social

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