Essay On Flash Bulb Memory

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Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process Flash bubble memory was firstly demonstrated by Brown and Kulik in their main study occurring in 1977. Brown and Kulik found that people had clear memories of where they had been, what they had been doing, and what had happened in events in which they were emotionally involved. Many cases prove this study about flash bulb memory to be accurate but studies like Neisser and Harsch (1992) show conflicting evidence towards flash bulb memory. To show this in their study Brown and Kulik interviewed 80 Americans, 40 African Americans and 40 Caucasian Americans in these interviews they had to answer a series of questions about 10 events. Nine of these events were mostly on assassinations…show more content…
Participants were asked and interviewed about the event a few days after the event then again 11 months after the event. Their results showed that 86% of the UK participants had flashbulb memory thus proving Brown and Kuliks study to be accurate and…show more content…
He asked participants to recall what had happened at this event the results showed that after 5 months the participants answers were vague and subject to systematic biases he concluded that the participants memories consisted of vaguely on their real experiences and mostly on facts they had heard after the event proving that flash bulb memory is no different than any other type of

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