Victimization In School Bullying

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Bullying and peer victimization in school have been a widespread phenomenon in all over the world (Ma, Stewin & Mah, 2011). According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, bullying can be described as an action where a person who is unkind to others who are weaker and peer victimization is an experience of being bullied and being a target of physical and emotional abuse. While according to Haltigan and Vaillancourt's research in 2014, they stated that bully is an intentional and repetitive aggressive behavior. The recent bullying and peer victimization phenomenon in schools have caused parents, teachers and other authorities to be very worried (Egan & Todorov, 2009). The past research reviewed will shed some light in the consequence victims…show more content…
According to Hussein’s study (2013), the aim was to examine the social and emotional skills of students who involved in peer victimization compare to those students who are not involved in any bullying and peer victimization activities. He carried out his research on four Egyptian primary school children who are in fifth grade and sixth grade (Hussein, 2013). The findings for his study were school bully victims have difficulties in displaying basic social behavior, faced problem when dealing in social situation, difficulties expressing their emotions and often confused about their feelings, This is mostly due to school bully victims have very low peer acceptance (Hussein, 2013). Nonetheless, the study uses self-report questionnaires to identify bullies and victims, which may cause bias in the result yielded (Hussein, 2013). Besides that, majority of the participants’ age around 11 and 12 years old, they might misinterpret the questions given to them in the form of questionnaire (Hussein,…show more content…
According to the research done by Dowling and Carey (2013), they aimed to understand better the many ways of victims of school bullying seeks help. They recruited 259 Australian students from six different Year five and year six schools (Dowling and Carey, 2013). They found out that victims of bullying have difficulties seeking for help even though they know that the teachers are willing to lend a helping hand (Dowling and Carey, 2013). Limitations of the study include the severity of the impact of bullying and how it affects the victims to seek help should be investigate further (Dowling and Carey, 2013). Besides that, the researcher suggest to carry out this research in other different schools in order to get a generalize result (Dowling and Carey,

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