Drug Control In Pakistan Case Study

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NON EDUCATION & DRUG USAGE Humans have used drugs of one sort or another for thousands of years. Wine was used at least from the time of the early Egyptians; narcotics from 4000 B.C.; and medicinal use of marijuana has been dated to 2737 B.C. in China. Pakistan became a gateway for international drug smuggling following the 1979 Russo-Afghan war. The phenomenon was supported by the porous Pak-Afghan border that allowed millions of Afghan refugees to cross over unhindered, and mammoth poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. The attractive cost-benefit ratio also encouraged the inhabitants of Pakistan s Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan to cultivate poppy. While Afghanistan provided to be the back office of global…show more content…
The Hadd Ordinance brought existing law into line with Islamic injunctions and prohibits trafficking, financing or possession of more than 10 grams of heroin or 1 kg of opium. . The Narcotics Control Division: Pakistan’s drug control policy making and planning is the responsibility of the Narcotics Control Division which forms part of the Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control which was created in 1989. The Narcotics Control Division is headed by a Secretary who is UNDCP’s designated government counterpart. In 1995/96, the Government of Pakistan with assistance from UNDCP prepared a comprehensive Master Plan for Drug Abuse Control. The Control of Narcotic Substances Abuse (CNSA) Act 1997, arising from an ordinance bearing the same name and promulgated in 1995, effectively covers all aspects of Pakistan s drug control efforts. It deals with cultivation, manufacturing, production, trafficking and possession offences as well as with treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. The Act also allows the government to set up special courts with exclusive jurisdiction in drug matters and to establish a National Fund for the Control of Drug Abuse to be partially funded from assets forfeited under the legislation. Provision is also made for mandatory reporting - by banks and financial institutions - of suspicious financial…show more content…
· Make earnest Endeavour’s to attain a drug-free society. · Translate the government s objectives into reality on issues pertaining to narcotics control. At present, ANF is operating with around 1,500 personnel as against an authorized strength of 2,552. · There are around 4 million drug addicts in Pakistan. Of these, 500,000 are heroin addicts and 60,000 injecting drug users. The ratio is alarming by international standards. Even more alarming is the fact that the number is increasing every year. Pakistan could face an AIDS epidemic because many of the heroin addicts are injecting the drug. Among males in the age bracket of 15-45 years, there are 500,000 regular heroin and drug users. Forty percent of the heroin abusers fall in the age bracket of 25-34 years.o Hashish (charas) is equally popular in urban and rural

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