One Belt One Road Case Study

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CHINA-PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR (CPEC) M.BILAL CHINOY(08516) INTRODUCTION: China and Pakistan have consented to construct One Belt One Road project more commonly known as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC), to promote both peace and prosperity in South Asia. This corridor will join 2,000 kilometer transport connect between Kashgar in northwestern China to Pakistan's Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea close to the outskirt with Iran by means of streets, railroads and pipelines. There are numerous interior and exterior difficulties for Pakistan government to materialize this multi-dollar deal. In any case, it is an advantage, which will change the destiny of Pakistan and will help Pakistan modernize. It will enhance the economy, upgrade local availability, help minimize the energy crisis,…show more content…
Pakistan has additionally been attempting to develop great relations with its neighboring nations. Keeping up commendable and great association with China has been a vital piece of Pakistan's foreign goals, as China is Pakistan's neigbouring ally. With the support of China, Pakistan has picked up huge significance in the region as well as the whole world. Both China and Pakistan have been attempting coordinated endeavors to revive the historic Silk Road which is one of the most oldest trade routes Kashgar (China) to Gwadar (Pakistan). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will help Pakistan distinctly standout amongst the most deliberately essential nations in the district. It will likewise give an chance to China to build a naval base at Gwadar port that will counter the increasing US impact in the Asia-Pacific

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