Conflict In The Sino-Indian Relations

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In the age of economic globalization, conflict is no longer an automatic synonym of a shooting war, on the contrary it can embody many forms. In the case of the Sino-Indian relations the most dangerous potential flashpoint, is Trade in the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean has trade routes that connect Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia with the rest of the Asian continent, and Europe. Both, China and India aspire to become the regional economic hegemonies, however, their interests are overlapping and a miscalculation in a movement might result in a damaging economic confrontation. The domination of the Indian Ocean is key for their success. The two countries have started to develop similar strategies to ensure their economic domination…show more content…
Firstly, the most dangerous potential flashpoint in the Sino-Indian relations is trade in the Indian Ocean, because both countries want to expand their zone of influence, get as many countries under their lead, to protect and ensure their economies. Nevertheless, their interests collide, the number of countries in the region is limited, and a miscalculation or betrayal might result in conflict. Regional development initiatives are likely to be the cause of a crash between the superpower countries in the Indian Ocean. On the one hand, China’s strategy to expand its zone of interest and secure its economic concerns has been developed though the One Belt, One Road program. It is an initiative developed by the Chinese government that connects 68 Eurasian countries through the establishment of six corridors and a maritime silk road. It searches to promote China’s larger role in global affairs through the development of infrastructural ties with its neighboring countries in order to ensure their loyalty. Moreover, Beijing hopes that this will facilitate the transition of its industrial excess capacity to some of these other countries. Nations such as Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka have already received billions of dollars in…show more content…
The dominance of the Indian Ocean is key for both countries trade. India imports 80% of its energy and China imports 84% of it from the Middle East which implies the passage through the Indian Ocean. As well as, 30% of the world trade is handled in there. Both countries depend on the trade of oil and other goods. It is why trade might by the new flashpoint in their relationship, and not only trade itself but the means of trade. Consequently, to ensure its position in the Indian Ocean, China has developed a Maritime Silk Road, with a String of Pearls. These strategies imply the multiplication of naval facilities (pearls) around the Ocean, that secure the sea line of communication. They are building a naval network, not only to secure their access to oil, but also to the African market. To this they are investing in the development or construction of ports or places in Indian State Ocean states, such as Pakistan. For example, China rehabilitated Gwadar Port, in Pakistan to guard its trade towards the Middle East, but also to become a Forward Operating Base for the Chinese Navy warships and submarines. Moreover, Beijing has become more active in the region, lately it has deployed a big number of naval forces to support counterpiracy operations and sold military armament to the regional countries. These actions, obviously challenge India’s position in the Indian

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