Potato Growth In Potato

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THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE GROWTH OF POTATO Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a cool season crop having differential temperature requirements for its vegetative growth and underground parts, but performs best when temperatures are in the range of 18-20 0C. Elevated temperatures during the growing season will result in many changes in potato plants, which could affect its growth and development leading to huge reduction in yield. El-Beltagy et al., (2002) found that high temperatures greater than 28/18 0C day/night affect the potato growth and yield negatively. Breaking of dormancy and the initiation of growth by seed tubers is highly influenced by temperature both during the growth period and in storage. However, there are conflicting…show more content…
Similarly, Manrique, L. A., (1989) also recorded 1.7 times greater leaf area index (LAI) of the potato variety Kennebec in summer when temperatures are high than in winter with lower temperatures. Alvey, N. G., (1965) who worked on the effect of temperature using two tuberous solanum species, S. chacoense and S. demissum, observed that differences in the growth of the above ground and below ground parts rely much on the influence of temperature at the time of initiation of stolons and tubers rather than its effect in altering directly the balance between the vegetative parts and…show more content…
It has been observed that high temperatures exceeding 17 0C diminishes tuberization or even inhibit tuber initiatiation completely if it goes much higher (Reynolds & Ewing, 1989). Tuber formation is slowed when the night temperature is 20 0C and tuberization is completely impeded at night temperature of 25 0C and above, although the potato plant can withstand day temperature of up to 35 0C without having much damaging effects, (Wolf et al., 1990). Van Dam, et al., (1996) observed a delay in the onset of tuber growth with temperatures 15 0 C to 27 0 C. Temperatures 15 0 C to 19 0 C are optimal for tuber initiation, but the onset of tuber bulking is slowed with higher temperatures. As average temperatures increased relative partitioning rates decreased. Manrique, et al., (1984) also showed that tuber initiation was delayed by two weeks in the potato variety Kennebec when grown in summer with temperature range of 24 to 26 oC measured at a depth of 20cm than in winter with temperature range of 18 to 20

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