Case Study Summary: An Introduction To Hotel Economics And Services

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2 RESEARCH STUDY 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO HOTEL ECONOMICS AND SERVICES The economics of a profitable hotel venture is a significant concept of which the architect should be extremely conscious and aware of during every phase of the planning stage. The cost to operate a hotel may not be known to an architect, but he should possess knowledge about every facet of hotel design and its functioning and develop the plans accordingly to achieve maximum profits through its operation. Some of these factors include the hours spent by hotel staff such as maids, porters, housekeepers, cooks, chefs, bellmen, receptionists, banquet manages, executive staff, etc. (Joseph De Chiara and Michael Crosbie, 2001) The economics of a hotel depends majorly on its back of…show more content…
A well-planned back of the house will have circulation patterns that will have the capacity to provide utmost control over the efficient functioning of the hotel. Probably a neglected yet an important aspect of the control area is the movement of garbage out of the hotel to a point where it will be picked up by garbage trucks, i.e.; waste management and disposal. A proficient and productive waste management system helps a great deal in achieving the level of cleanliness required in a five star hotel. Where garbage is shipped out, it is wise to have the garbage rooms so placed (and, incidentally, refrigerated) that the receiving office has this space in full view to discourage an outside accomplice or an employee who is leaving the hotel from entering the garbage room to filch what was placed there previously by someone in the kitchen or the supply areas. (Joseph De Chiara and Michael Crosbie,…show more content…
If there is no laundry room at all or only a small laundry which handles towels only, the hotels may avail the city laundry service. A good sized space for dryers, washers, ironers and other machineries if the hotel laundry does its own uniforms and flatworks (sheets, pillowcases, linens). A separate department for dry cleaning and pressing of woolens and similar garments is maintained by the hotel. They are under the supervision of the laundry manager. The location of such cleaning and valet services is generally close to or part of the laundry area. In some hotels, no iron linens are used which eliminates the need of large ironers. It may be that, in the not-too-distant future, experiments with disposable sheets, pillowcases, and uniforms will do away with laundry services in hotels. Presently, the disposable types that have been produced are still not of sufficient strength and durability for hotel use, although the future may produce exactly that. (Joseph De Chiara and Michael Crosbie,

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