Nurse Practitioner Shortage

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Due to a shortage of healthcare providers in the 1960s, nurse practitioners (NPs) have increased the significance of their roles within the medical community in the last fifty years. NPs have less education than that of a physician, but can perform just about any task a doctor can. NPs work in a variety of healthcare settings, including family doctor offices and emergency rooms. While resuming education, NPs can attain a specialty or an area of focus. Depending on the specialty, the job requirements and environments will differ. Along with those differences, salaries will vary accordingly to where they work and even their chosen specialties. As relates to my project, which is completing a Certified Nursing Assistant course, my research paper…show more content…
According to Jean Whelan in her work, “Where Did All the Nurses Go,” there was a shortage of nurses at the beginning of the war. Approximately twenty-five percent of nurses were called to the line of duty, hurting the civilian population back home (Whelan). Written in Careers in Focus: Nurse Practitioners, a shortage of physicians also became a problem following World War II (104). The result of an increasing need for healthcare providers opened the eyes of nurse Loretta Ford. In 2011, Elizabeth Landau wrote that “[Loretta Ford] collaborated with Dr. Henry Silver to start the nation’s first nurse practitioner program in 1965 at the University of Colorado Schools of Medicine and Nursing.” According to “Nurse Practitioners: Shaping the Future of Healthcare,” the role of a nurse has increased over the years and as a consequence more education and training is needed. During the shortage of physicians, nurses took on bigger roles. They completed tasks typically done by physicians, such as taking blood pressure or administering intravenous feedings and medications (“Nurse Practitioners”). Shown in Julie Li’s study, nurse practitioners began to focus on disease prevention and health promotion during some of the first programs. Once nurses completed the formal education and became qualified to take on the role of nurse practitioner, their hard work did not go…show more content…
“Nurse practitioner’s job outlook is especially good due to being recognized as a provider of high quality, yet cost-effective medical care that the nation’s healthcare system needs.” Based on baby boomer facts from, “by 1964, more than 4,027,000 babies were born in the United States.” The job outlook is also improving due to the increasing age of the baby boomers. Geriatric NPs are in high demand, especially in nursing homes (“Nurse Practitioners”). In 2011, approximately sixty percent of people between fifty and sixty-four years old had been diagnosed with at least one chronic disease. Also, nursing home residencies are increasing due to an increasing number of elders being diagnosed with heart disease and obesity (“Baby Boomer Generation Fast Facts”). Cited by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job growth for NPs is estimated to increase at least 34 percent between 2012 and 2022 (“Nurse Practitioners Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities”). Furthermore, each year about six million people visit their nurse practitioners: “Due to a shortage of primary care doctors in America, NPs are in high demand” (Landau). As advances in technology and healthcare needs continue to increase, the need for healthcare providers is also

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