Nurse Practitioner/Advance Practice Nurse

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The role of the Advanced Practice Nurse has been evolving since the 1960’s and the evolution is on going. Each role such as CNS, NP, CNM, and CRNA has its primary criteria, competencies and remains distinctive. At a basic level, the definition for a Nurse Practitioner/Advance Practice Nurse (APNs) is a registered nurse that possesses advanced knowledge and skills which enable them to appropriately function in an expanded role as health care providers (Carryer, Gardner, Dunn, & Gardner, 2007). They are effectively nurses who have successfully completed a fully accredited post bachelor degree and acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies that are shaped by the context of practice ethics (International…show more content…
It is described as “letting go of the RN role” and “taking on of the advance nurse practitioner role”. This needs to begin during the graduate educational program from RN to APN when students are socialized into the role and transition and continue throughout the first few years of practice when full practice adaptation and adjustment to the role is realized (Barton, 2007). Focusing on the roles early in the program helps promote adaptation and adjustment to the APN role in the clinical setting after graduation (Gardner, Chang, & Duffield, 2007; Manning & Neville, 2009). The transition role to APN has been described as difficult, involving struggle, stressful, hard work, very complex and can be…show more content…
In a research study, interviews were conducted on nine newly graduated FNPs and report the forces that positively influenced RN to FNP role were faculty nurturance, academic activities such as case studies, standardized patients and proper hands on lab practicum, and more important careful selecting clinical sites/preceptor to facilitate role development cannot be overstated (Heitz, Steiner and Burman, 2004). Steiner and Colleagues in their descriptive, correlational study about the educational phase of role transitioning found clinical preceptor guidance more important than faculty guidance, pointing out the clinical selection to be more important. The utmost role of an Advanced Practice Nurse will be to provide preventive care so as to improve overall health of individuals that need care and prevent shortage of primary health care providers (Ieminen, Mannevaara, Fagerstrom, p. 661-662 2011). Ultimately, this gives rise to the hope that if there are more healthcare providers pushing for preventive care, there will definitely be an increase in people seeking preventive care. The natural outcome of this will be a reduction in the population seeking preventive care in the tertiary level of

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