Continuum Of Care

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The cost of healthcare in the United State of America is astronomical. This fact has been brought to the forefront in legislative leadership. There is a prevalently a move involving the restructuring of the healthcare delivery system. As in the past nurses shall continue play a vital role in developing systems that is aimed towards reducing the cost of healthcare. The enormous cost of healthcare coupled with the shortage of physicians as well as nurses calls for renewed methods of providing treatment and healthcare as a whole. According to the American Nurses Association nursing is one of the most respected professions for the 13th year. This speaks volumes to the relevance of the nurses role. The structure of this move will make more jobs…show more content…
A small group organizes services for this group. It is a unified system of care that guides and tracks patients of time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning throughout the different levels throughout intensity of care. The continuum of care movement is designed to provide funding for efforts by non-profit providers. To provide shelter for homeless individuals and families while decreasing the trauma of dislocation designed by homelessness. It is geared towards optimizing self sufficiently individual families experiencing homelessness. This program was designed to develop a more structured and strategic method to the approach of both housing and provide a service to homeless…show more content…
It no longer only involves children with special illnesses but it involves children and adults. It is a team based healthcare delivery system held by physicians who provide comprehensive and continuous medical care. Burse managed healthcare systems are a nurse care delivery system executed primarily operated by advanced practice registered nurses, primarily nurse practitioners. Although managed by nurse practitioners there is an interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers, which may include doctors, social workers, nutritionist and physical therapist. NMHs provide primary care health promotion and disease prevention to those with limited access to healthcare. This system provides care to vulnerable populations in rural or urban communities. Nurse managed health clinics provide easy access to quality health care which will lead to positive outcomes for patients who would not ordinarily seek medical

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