Negative Effects Of Listening To Music

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Many people, especially teens, listen to music claiming it helps them focus on tasks such as homework or driving or as simple as calming them down after they get too emotionally worked up. In fact, many parents and teachers could say they probably heard all the excuses or reasons why it helps their kids or students to listen to music on a daily basis. The human brain is wired to respond to any kind of music whether its a theme song, a background song on a movie, or listening to an actual song, they all have the same effect. While music listening may be healthy due to the fact that it tones the human brain for auditory fitness, and the ability to recognize rhythm and melody is a core function of a brain, studies have shown that music listening…show more content…
Through the many years of research, music stimulates many different emotions through brain circuits. Take when a child smiles or begins to dance rhythmically to a song or beat for example, he/she is experiencing joy and happiness from the song playing. The emotion we feel while listening to music doesn't just correspond with emotion, it also affects us physically. The reason for this is called oxytocin, or the cuddle hormone. It is often released by singing, which is why it plays such a huge emotional experience. Since listening to music increases our emotions, the amount of dopamine that is produced in our brain also increases. The emotions we feel are connected with our heart, but a huge part is also communicated through the brain. Since a new understanding of how music is connected through our heart and brain, creative ways of utilizing music is being used as a tool to better understand people and human interactions. Barry Goldstein from Conscious Lifestyle states, “ Music has succeeded, where verbal language failed. Music was able to create a bridge between the brain and the heart. It engages and evokes our emotions in many stages both individually and in groups. Music evokes the deepest forms of emotions ranging from the good to the bad. It helps us process fear, grief, sadness, and resentment, even if its at a subconscious level” (Music and the Brain: The Fascinating Ways That Music Affects Your Mood and Mind, Paragraph 4). However, even with emotions music gives us, the lyrics and music videos change the way people act by the messages they hold and what they give out. Music plays an important role for most children and adolescents. Popular music is almost everywhere, and is easily available through the radio, recording, internet, and new technologies. Due to the increasing use of downloaded music, headphones, and the simple fact
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