How Has Baroque Music Changed Over Time

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Gustav Mahler, an extraordinary composer of the late-romantic era, once said, “If a composer could say what he had to say in words, he would not bother trying to say it in music.” The beautiful truth of this statement is seen in the works of many excellent composers throughout history, such as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Handel, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky, amongst others. The wide variety of emotion in the numerous compositions created throughout time gives aspiring musicians hope, as well as auditors a feeling that is unexplainable and that can only be received through the sounds that are of itself music. Music has changed drastically and dramatically over time. As new styles appear and become popular in society, styles that dominated in earlier…show more content…
The many styles of music that can be found today are a result of the many eras and ages of music throughout history. The Baroque period was one of stylistic duality; it was an era that displayed emotional extremes. While music’s power over human emotion was never denied throughout the Medieval or Renaissance eras, the portrayal and arousal of the affections became the intended purpose, the very essence of all Baroque music. Werckmeister asserted that music “is ordered to arouse, correct, alter, and calm the passions.”(1) The Classical Age characterized music that was viewed as an art form rather than for entertainment or serving some other subsidiary function. The focus of the composers of this Age, such as Hadyn, Mozart, and Beethoven, was experimenting with combinations of instruments, melodies, and harmonies. Ushered in from the Romantic era were composers such as Brahms, Chopin, Puccini, Verdi, and Tchaikovsky, who seeked to delve deeper into the expression of the spectrum of human feeling, and served to awaken personal and patriotic expression. The Romantic Era put an emphasis on emotion and great freedom of form in music, rather than following the traditional classical form. Modern day music, that began in the 20th century, is not focused on one specific style. It focuses on a wide range of genres and depends on the technical innovations in recording and playing music. The advancements in technology helps…show more content…
Many experts agree that “with music lessons, because there are so many different facets involved, such as memorizing, expressing emotion, and learning about musical intervals and chords, the multidimensional nature of the experience may be motivating to the IQ effect” (“Effect of Music on Children’s Intelligence”). A child who takes music lessons, will greatly succeed with higher level mathematics. Besides the obvious mathematical affect, the child will explore the lyrical rhythm and content of the music, and understanding the vocabulary and rhythm of the musical language may allow them to improve both their writing and reading skills. Music education has shown to pull academic failing students from the deepest troubles. The failing student may be able to see music as an inspiration to do well in life with a step outside the normal educational system. Because of music, this student may have an easier ability to express emotion and thoughts, bond with other musicians, and feel the necessity for self improvement. The student will seek both conscious and unconscious improvement in the classroom as well as other areas of life with these types of changes. It seems that the implementation of music education into the school could solve many problems that an overbearing focus on core areas and test preparation classes can

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