Listening To Music: The Importance Of Classical Music

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The improvement of the learner’s attention span through the influence of classical music as the best means on enhancing the student’s ways on learning, despite of the benefits that a quiet environment could bring while reviewing; there is a negative product to that. Studying also requires an adequate amount of attention to be able to focus on what the learner is doing, it is one of the main ingredients in keeping track on what we are trying to achieve. A productive research shows that “attention demands appear to shrink as we practice a task” according to Luck and Vecera (2002). Nevertheless, attention can also be lengthened. According to Jane Callingwood “Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect in our mind and body, especially slow, quiet classical music”, hence making it more beneficial for the students who study; because it can reduce the pressure that the learner experiences while studying. In a manner corresponding or conforming to the observation of the psychologists, a…show more content…
However, the learner cannot avoid the problems on keeping their attention span on a longer period of time or from experiencing a gradual loss of attention due to the gloomy aura that the quiet environment provides. This is where classical music comes in. In order for the learner to keep his/her focus on reviewing; he/she must find an alternative instrument to boost his/her drive for studying. We serve classical music as an alternative tool in boosting the learner’s attention span since researchers have been discovering the positive effects of classical music as an alternative partner for education. According to Gray (2013) classical music holds a great advantage on students who study for a longer period of time and thus retain more information while listening to classical

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